Friday, July 30, 2010

An Exciting Day!

Challen and I were beyond blessed today!  We got the opportunity to visit two homes that are in the ministry of restoring lives and helping those who are homeless, to become self-sufficient.

The first place we visited was Wiseplace, in Santa Ana.  We sat with the executive director for many hours as she was patient enough to answer our questions and help us to understand what we were getting into.  We toured the facility and ask close to a million questions (or at least that is what it seemed like).  Being there and seeing the work in action reinforced the passion in my heart to serve those in need.  Though not a faith-based program, the director herself is a Christian and God is using her to minister to the needs of these women.  It is an impressive ministry and such an incredible blessing!

From Santa Ana we hopped on the 5 South and headed to Tustin, about 6 miles down the road.  There, we walked onto the Village of Hope campus.  Words cannot begin to express how in awe I was: at God for all He has done there and at the amazingness of the facility.  This campus is Christ-centered and fully funded by donations.  To give you and idea, there income last year was 19 million dollars...what a crazy amount of money!  I cannot even begin to express to you how impressive this ministry is.  You will have to check it out for yourself at

All in all, it was an AWESOME day and I am inspired and motivated all over again to continue this work and see where God leads us!  Please pray for us as we finish up our 501(c)(3) paperwork and submit it to the IRS for approval.  This will be the next step in the process.  Once that is completed we can begin to receive donations and look for a piece of property to begin God's ministry!

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